welcome... ...stranger
20.11 – 29.01.2021
smári róbertsson – poking the unknown with a really long stick

Zomerdijkstraat 22

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Smári Robertsson, The Father Of Eighteen Elves, Zomerdijkstraat, photo: artist.

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Smári Robertsson, The Father Of Eighteen Elves, Zomerdijkstraat, photo: artist.

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Smári Robertsson, The Father Of Eighteen Elves, Zomerdijkstraat, photo: artist.

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Smári Robertsson, The Father Of Eighteen Elves, Zomerdijkstraat, photo: artist.

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Smári Robertsson, The Father Of Eighteen Elves, Zomerdijkstraat, photo: artist.

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Smári Robertsson, The Father Of Eighteen Elves, Zomerdijkstraat, photo: artist.

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A sketch by Hreinn Friðfinnsson of his undocumented and forgotten
reproduction of the Father Of Eighteen Elves sculpture from the '70s

Smári Róbertsson delt with the hidden and unknown by exploring folklore, such as the folk tale 'The Father of the Eighteen Elves'. When you looked up to his studio-house from the street, you could spot a long stick poking out of the window. Attached to a tree, you'll found a text entitled: 'Poking The Unknown With A Really Long Stick'. The work is an invitation to reveal the underlying motives, value systems and conditions in perception and in ourselves.

Performances were recorded from his home, you find them via de links below: 

Poking The Unknown With A Really Long Stick - Serenade (Part 3)

Directed by Hreinn Friðfinnsson

Written, recorded and performed by Smári Róbertsson

Amsterdam, 2021


Welcome Stranger at home of Smári Róbertsson on Zomerdijkstraat 22, Amsterdam, 2020

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